
Thursday, 27 June 2013

Things you can do !

Hi everyone...yep i know i'm crap at updating my blog - i'm hoping that once i start university i'll have sooo much to tell you all that daily blog post WILL be written. To be honest - i'm struggling with things to talk about, although i have loadss of idea in my head it's hard to write it down if that makes sense!. Maybe i'm just weird, or  maybe i am losing inspiration because my post 'omg i'm going to be a student midwife' glow has gone..and now i'm left waiting...and waiting...and waiting to start!. 

Anyway, today i thought i'd give you a few ideas of the things you can do to improve your knowledge of all things midwifery, which in turn will improve your chances of getting a place!. The thing is..even if i told you exactly how to get a place, this doesn't mean you WILL get a place. My top top top top tip is....make sure it's exactly what you want to do! Lots of people are like 'oo i wanna cuddle lots of babies.....i'll become a midwife' NO just no. Look it up, research, read, see, explore! Really have a realistic idea of what it's about..otherwise become a nanny or something..

Also, do NOT listen to all those who keep saying 'you have to have kids' 'you have to be older than 30' 'don't apply if your young' etc etc. That is all a load of s**t. Sorry but it annoys me so much when people try and make you question what you want to do..if it's what you really truly aspire to be..then do it! and you will succeed. Those who don't get places are the ones who don't come across like they really want it. 

Here are a few things you can do to get a better understanding of the role of a midwife: 

1. Watch youtube videos -  know this is weird, but i once watched a Natural Geographic 'in the womb' video on youtube..and all of sudden i felt like i knew exactly what happens when a women is in labour. It also gave me an insight to what the baby goes through too, which didn't really occur to be before. Watch it here!

You can also watch videos of student midwifes at university. This allows you to see the kinds of things you'll be doing once at university and what kind of teaching you will receive, as well as the support you  will have etc.  Watch it here! 

2. Talk to midwives - i know you can't just swan in to a delivery suite and be like 'o hey, can i watch?', but if you know any midwives, or are at work experience at a hospital etc. Talk to them, even if they only have five minutes. Find out their experiences and if the job has lived up to their expectations. Ask them anything your concerned about. If you feel nervous or worried that they won't talk to you, put yourself in the shoes of a midwife, would you help a curious midwife to be? i would, knowing what i've been through already just to get a place.  

3. Read read read - i know i've said this before, but i can't stress enough how important it is to read up about EVERYTHING; the role of a midwife, the issues midwives could face, current issues related to midwifery, what you will be doing as a student midwife, what are the day to day task of a midwife. Etc. Please just read as much as you can, ideas of websites etc. can be found in previous posts.  

I've already spoke about work experience etc. but i thought i'd give a few more ideas of the simple things you can do. I hope this has been helpful in anyway. Please share my blog! 


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